Friday, April 30, 2010

Environmental day in the car

Today when I was coming home from school it was mainly environmental idea day for me. Here are the ideas I came up with. Somewhere in the United States there will be a bunch of bikes, like 100,000 bikes that the bike tire can't move. And we'll have a whooooooooole bunch of pipes going into each home and each time we pedal the bikes electricity will go flowing through the pipes and it will help the environment because you won't be using electricity.

And here's the other idea.

We'll have a whole field of batteries, like a million batteries in that field. And everytime lightning strikes in that field, the batteries get more power. So you won't have to use as much batteries in things. That's my hypothesis, because I don't know that much about electric and battery.


  1. Wow, what a day for ideas. I especially like the bicycle one, because people will be getting good exercise while doing something for the environment. SL

  2. Maybe you could put the bicycle electricity generator in Tucson. I won't be able to see the computer soon because Aunt Debbie won't let me keep the lights on past 6:11 becuase it costs so much money. I'm afraid I won't be able to type well once the lights are out. Uh oh, here she comes now cvau;hgah aiogjqf99c43 caijfgtjq3r ivfeajg[165a crui[jhfg.
